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Environment pollution paragraph

Environment Pollution
Environment means what surrounds us. It may living or non living elements.Humans are surrounding by Nature. There are four fundamental elements of nature, soil, air,water, and plants. It's give us lives.But we are polluting this elements in many ways. Nowadays environment polluction is one of the most talked topic of the world.Our environment is polluted is so many ways.Air is the most important element of human environment. But we are polluting this air in many ways. For example smoke polloutes air, man make fires to cook his food,to make bricks,burns refuse,melts pitch for road,burns wood. All these things produce heavy smoke and pollutes air.Railway engines,mills and factories, power houses are also responsible for environment pollution. Water is another essential elements of environment, which is next  to air.It is called life. It is essential for human and plants. Water is also polluted in many ways.Frist of all farmer use chemical fertilizer and pesticide in their fields to grow more food.The rain water wash away this chemicals and mixed with river water,canal water and pond water. Secondly mills and factories through their waste into water and these water becames pollucted. Unsanitary latrines in the bank of the river or pond is another reason of environment pollution. Deforestation is another major topic of environment pollution. Deforestation causes serious damage to the soil,birds and animals. Its increase global warming and polluted environment .This pollution could be kills our lives. We should be against environment polluction and protect our mother proper measures and steps should be taken to prevent this Environment polluction. 


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