Drug addiction |
Drug addiction means a strong attraction for taking harmful drugs.Drugs addition is a very bad habit.we take drugs when we are not well or doctors advice. Taking too much medicine is not good for health. We should not take medicine when we are healthy and strong. Drug addiction is very dangerous for our health. Mostly young generation gets easily addicted to drugs.There are many legal and illegal thinks known as drugs. These are heroin, opium, yaba, phensedyl,alcohol, nicotine, marijuana etc.There are different reason for drug addiction. Young generation gets drug addicted due to emotion, family problem, social pressure, education, frustration, love failure, depression, sexual abuse, unemployment problem, proverty, political activities and so on. Again some people take drugs as a habit or as a curiosity when young generation stay in a group as one of them takes drugs. Drug addiction is very dangerous for our health. It causes various disease like brain cancer,heart attact, Stock, high blood pressure, blood cancer and so on. A drug addicted person is curse for our society. No body like a drug addicted person. But this habit could be cured.Parents love and support can be save the life of a drug addicted person. The government should be take some steps to control drug addiction. She can immediately stopped the supply of drug dealers and punished them. The bad effect of drugs could be described to the students to prevent drug addiction.
QS: what is drug addiction?
Qs:when happens when a person get drug addicted?
Qs:what are the causes of drug addiction?
Qs:how does drug addiction effects the society?
Qs: what should we do to prevent drug addiction?
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