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A Street Hawker Paragraph

A Street Hawker
A sreet hawker is a person who sells various things by hawking from street to street.He carries his goods on head, sometimes in hand and sometimes in a hand-cart,in a bundles,in a basket or in a welled platfrom.He brings with him various kinds of goods such as toys, bangles, cosmetics,sweet, fruits,vegetables, newspaper, ribbons, balloons of different shapes and colours etc .He also brings readymade garments, fency goods and things of domestic uses for women. A street hawker is a very clever man. Generally he buys things at s very cheap rate and sells them at a good profit.A street hawker khows his business well.His customers are mainly women and children. As he long passes the street, he makes a peculiar shout to draw attention of the customers.The children here and there gather around and stop him. As a result he can easily sell his products to them.A street hawker also know the perfect time of his business. He comes when the house master are out of home and when women are free from their household work.So he can easily cheat the women in Price and weight. He usually sells cheap products at a good profit. A street hawker knows the art of winning the heart of the customers. Despite his wit and art, the street hawker are very poor.Though they works very hard, their earning are too poor to maintain their families. He always  busy in his work.He is a part and parcel of our daily life. A street hawker puts all the essential goods within our reach. 


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