Tree plantation |
Tree plantation means planting trees more and more.Trees are our best friend. Trees help us in many ways.Trees give us the most important elements for living.we need Oxygen to live.Trees give us Oxygen and takes Carbon-di-Oxide.Trees also give us food, fruits, furniture,flower, shade,shelter,vegetables and so on.Trees roots prevent Soil erosion,air pollution, floods, drought cyclone etc.Trees make the land fertile.Trees enhance our natural beauty.Trees maintain our ecological balance.Many kinds of medicine are prepared from leaves,roots and barks of tree.They supply timber for various uses.Cutting down of trees is a threat to nature. It is said that 25% of a country should covered with trees.The country will turn into a desert if we cutting down of trees randomly. So we should take care of our environment and plant more trees.June and July are the best time for tree plantation.We can plant trees in both side of roads, highway, playground, bank of a river, sea beaches and low lying unused land.The government should take some steps to encourage people for tree plantation trough radio, television, newspaper etc highlight the importance of tree plantation. We can save our mother nature only by planting trees.Otherwise our existance will no longer on earth..
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Amatullah LiMa Bhuiyan ~
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